Oxford City Council has a "Severe Weather Emergency Protocol and extended cold weather provision" (SWEP) which is a protocol for provision of additional bed spaces in hostels in Oxford City.
The protocol sets out a joint effort between Oxford City Council and single homelessness service providers in Oxford City to take all possible steps to avoid deaths on the streets due to people sleeping rough during severe winter weather conditions. The protocol ensures that Oxford City Council and local agencies provide appropriate responses for homeless people during cold and severe weather periods.
This is based on national guidance and follows the principles mentioned below that if temperatures are forecast to be sub-zero for 3 nights then emergency bed provision kicks in.
Currently, the city has 19 people accessing provision over this period which is forecasted to stay open for at least the rest of the week.
This is the third time this winter that the City Council has opened SWEP provision.
Any rough sleepers should - during this period only - be directed to O'Hanlon House (Tel: 304600). After this cold period, the situation will revert to normal, with any rough sleepers needing to be assessed under the No Second Night Out (NSNO) arrangements (Tel: Broadway, Oxford City Outreach Team on 304611).
If you want to do something to help then please DON'T give people money on the street but please DO consider making financial donations to OxHop, offering warm clothing to be distributed (dropped off at O'Hanlon House) and raising awareness via social media accounts.