We met at the town hall this evening. It was a long meeting, appropriately enough held in the Long Room.

There were lots of members of the public present and we heard about many issues. Some residents who live on Stable Close near the railway line and sidings and staff car park were being disturbed by train diesel engines being left idling for hours (something to do with the braking system) and by shunting and very antisocial small hours of the morning. We also heard from a resident on Hamel Walk who was having trouble with an access route to his area that some developers were blocking off at times. It sounded like the City Council had failed to put a proper enforceable legal agreement in place to ensure right of access was preserved for occupiers of the social housing on Hamel Walk.

We considered several planning applications - the most interesting was the one by Oxford University which would make internal changes to the Radcliffe Camera and the Old Bodleian. It would open up some of the underground store for public access and would alter the level of the (1970s) paving in the schools quadrangle of the old Bodleian to improve level access to the building and remove the need for the unsightly temporary ramps. I had to declare a personal interest in this application as I am a senior member of The University of Oxford. As these are very well known buildings I don't consider that I have any more or less interest in the success or failure of the planning application than any other member of the public so I did remove myself from the meeting and did vote. I did make the point that if lots of heavy vehicles were to be using the junction of Parks Road, Broad Street, Holywell Street and Catte Street then EXTREME care must be taken and enforced to ensure no nasty accidents with any of the hundreds of cyclists a day that use that junction. There was a nasty and
fatal accident at that junction not long ago and I don't want a repeat.
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