Well I'm back and refreshed after a lovely three weeks' camping in France where the weather was fantastic.

My first council meeting was another public "consultation" about Temple Cowley Pools. It was held in the Town Hall on 17 August and ran from about 7pm to 9.30pm. There was a big panel of presenters including City Council officers and folk from MACE, the consultants the City is using to advise it about pool provision in the City. I reckon around 100 members of the public attended.
Cllr John Tanner chaired the meeting which started with 30 minutes of so of presentation from Richard Smith of MACE and several others. MACE did seem to spend a long time trying to convince the audience why they were the best for the job.
I put "consultation" in quotes because it is abundantly clear that the council officers have already decided what they will recommend to executive board (CEB) that makes the decision on 1st September. One of the executive directors, Tim Sadler, even said as much! The chair said that the 1st Sept CEB would be a "public meeting". That will be interesting.
Here is the financial "argument" the consultants were trying to put.

After the presentations many questions were asked and raised and it was quite a useful information gathering evening, even if it felt like the answer had already been decided. A big flaw I think in the argument is that I believe the number of people living in close proximity to Temple Cowley Pools has been vastly understated. I asked MACE to check the figure. It also omits all the people who work near it on Cowley Business Park.
We had several excellent speeches and I was particularly impressed by the work Jane Alexander had done to work up a plan that would cost about £3million. MACE did at least agree to discuss that with her but I doubt it will happen before 1st September. Here's Jane's proposal.

The comments from the Cowley Marsh councillors was interesting. One of them just wanted everyone to know how good he had been to arrange the consultation meeting and the other one suggested a vote of all present about whether they wanted Temple Cowley Pools to be closed and replaced with a new facility at Blackbird Leys. The chair did that vote by show of hands at the end of the meeting and the result was about 5 in favour and almost everyone else there against. An overwhelming disagreement with what the City Council officers were recommending.
You can read much more about this at
http://www.savetemplecowleypools.webs.com/ and join the
Facebook Group.
Labour may have a majority administration at the moment but if they close Temple Cowley Pools I can't see that lasting. There was talk of it not happening for another two years so I have a nasty feeling they'll wait until just after the next local elections in 2012 to do it. We'll see.