I received a slide pack today to read thorough about the Council's ICT policy. All councillors (members of Oxford City Council) are asked to sign it to say they will comply with it. I'm afraid I'm not happy about it at all.
Most of it is all good common-sense and common-decency stuff but there are two bits that worry me as a member of the council rather than an employee. The first is about privacy:

I am not at all sure I want council staff to be able to examine data that is confidential to political parties or worse, about constituents. Elected members work for our constituents, not the Council!

The other concern is about the blogging policy. I am of course more than happy not to divulge confidential information but this blog already has links to the council website and criticism of some council policies and decisions. As a representative of the people of Carfax Ward I feel it is entirely appropriate that I should be able to express those views in a public blog.
Us councillors are here to work for and represent you, our constituents. Our job is to represent you to the council as an organisation. It is NOT to represent the council to you!
I have made my concerns known to the Head of IT and will update this post if and when I get a reply.
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