One paragraph reads: "We are proud to stand alongside those Oxford students and pupils who marched peacefully two weeks ago on the NUS/UCU demo in London, and who this week marched for their rights, and then undertook the occupation in Oxford."
I am indeed proud to stand alongside those who marched peacefully, and I am indeed ashamed of and entirely opposed to what my party's senior MPs are doing with student funding in the coalition, but I am much more ashamed of all those who think it's OK to practically vandalise one of Oxford's most historic buildings, the Radcliffe Camera, and to seriously disrupt those students who are trying to work extremely hard to get their degrees. Did you see the dancing on the tables? I have never seen such blatant disrespect of such an important and historical resource. It's sheer hypocrisy to protest about student fees and at the same time disrupt the work and lives of many students who just want to get on with studying so they can get their degrees. As you can see from the comments on the YouTube video linked above I appear not to be alone in that view.
It's nothing short of scandalous that Oxford Greens seem to be supporting this sort of behaviour.