The application on the table was to allow the Branos burger and kebab bar on Gloucester Green (behind the Odeon) to open for an extra hour on Friday and Saturday nights.
I had emailed the St. John Street residents' association and put posters up in the flats on Gloucester Green (The Chilterns) letting people know. I asked people to give me comments both positive and negative. I had a few comments back and I think the major concerns were noise, litter and violence. Some thought it was better to have people around to make the area feel safer but was frustrated by people ignoring the signs and sitting on the steps at the entrances to the Chilterns, making noise and leaving litter.
The panel decided to grant the extension from 3am to 4am on Friday and Saturday nights but with conditions that included identification-quality CCTV, extra staff on duty late so queues don't build up, staff to clear litter in the vicinity of the area and prominent signs in the stall asking patrons to keep quiet and not litter the area. I hope these measures will reduce the impact on local residents as much as possible.
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