The issue of drug dealing in the Oxpens/Friars Wharf/Speedwell Street area seems to have gone quiet so this is a good thing. There are still problems with drinking in the street and general disorder around the St. Michael Street and Luther Street areas. This always becomes more of a problem as the weather gets warmer and the lighter evenings come along but I was a bit alarmed to hear that some residents are feeling St. Michael's Street is a becoming a no-go area after 4pm. I am pleased that TVP is doing a lot of close work with residents to help ensure that this problem and their fear of it is tackled effectively. The Luther Street issues are ongoing and TVP continue to work with O Hanlon House, A2 Dominion Housing Association and the Luther Street Medical Centre. Some more signs about street drinking are also being investigated although I have my reservations about how effective these will be!

Big Issue selling still seems to be problematic with sellers actually begging (which is illegal) rather than selling and ignoring the 10pm curfew on such sales.
We talked about how many students want to help people on the streets but don't know how. Giving cash was not recommended as most estimates think that over 75% of that goes on drugs and alcohol, which does not necessarily help. A voucher scheme for O'Hanlon house (the "night shelter") has been tried but there was too much black-market selling and counterfeiting so it was stopped. I don't believe this is an insurmountable problem and would like to see a scheme where people can buy vouchers online and print them themselves with a unique barcode on them (a bit like a boarding pass or a Groupon).
Finally, having complained about speeding on St Giles, I was horrified to find that 90% of drivers were speeding when TVP did a check recently. I hope something can be done about this and suggested a firm letter to the Oxford Bus companies as buses are some of the worst offenders in my experience.
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