The meeting proceeded smoothly with some very well-considered and well-presented evidence and opinions both from objectors and applicants. The Planning Officer, Felicity Byrne presented very well and brought along a County Council Highways Officer (Martin Kraftl) to talk about the possibilities with regard to controlled parking zones. The professional advice was extremely useful, as always.
After quite a bit of debate and careful questioning of all parties there was eventually a motion to approve the planning application with some additional conditions and that passed so the permission is granted. The additional conditions are:
- That the landscaping to the tree belt on Old Road includes new hedge and tree planting to the western edge, and mixed evergreens to the eastern end;
- That the hours for deliveries during the construction of the development be controlled to avoid peak hours and the beginning of the school day;
- That the external lighting to the campus be designed to avoid Light spillage, in order to prevent nuisance being caused to nearby residential properties;
- That details of the maintenance regime for the attenuation tanks to be used in the drainage systems be submitted for approval by officers.
I hope these will go as far as possible in alleviating some of the concerns of the objectors.