Since then there have been a lot of emails to all councillors asking us not to call in the planning application. I am sending a standard response which I hope is explaining how things progress from here. The decision was published on Friday morning which means there must be call in requests from 12 City Councillors if the application is to be re-determined at a meeting of the Planning Review Committee, which I chair. At the moment I have seen five call in requests but there may be more that have not been shared with other councillors. Here's what I've sent (not the picture!) :

The application has not been called in.
Some councillors have requested a call in but as far as I am aware only five have done that so far. The application will only be called in if twelve councillors have requested that by 5pm on Monday 19th September.
It is possible for the Head of City Development to call the application in also, within that same deadline, but there is no indication of that happening at this stage.
It is not my intention to support the call in as I believe West Area committee was run fairly and properly but we must accept that it is the democratic right of other councillors to do so if they feel that's what those they represent want them to do.
I am keeping an open mind about the acceptability or otherwise of the development as I am the chair of Planning Review Committee and will need to be able to chair a discussion openly and fairly if the call-in succeeds.
I hope this explains things at what I of course understand must be a stressful time.
Tony Brett
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Update: As of about 11am today there are now 8 call-in requests (3 have not copied their request to other councillors so I don't know who they are). I am being completely inundated with emails about the issue!
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