I attended this evening's licensing hearing and spoke on behalf of a St. Giles college that had concerns about the disruption the three day Christmas Light event on 22-24 would cause to it, particularly in terms of noise disturbance to those living on St. Giles with windows directly out to it, and such extensive road closures and parking suspensions, over a whole weekend in full Oxford University Term. An extremely different proposition to St. Giles' Fair which happens after most tourists have left Oxford post-summer and before most students have arrived back. The City Council has a web page with more information about
Christmas Light Festival.
The license application has reference 13/02305/PREM and you can see some extremely rudimentary
information about it online. I'm not sure why the council has not put adequate information there - I have asked! The outcome was that the license was granted but with some changes. It is a perpetual license but there is a robust review process in place so if there are problems this year (I fear there may well be) then I will request a review of the license as soon as reasonably practical after the event. A future licensing panel can amend or revoke a license just as easily as it grants it!
Following discussion the applicant volunteered that there will be no licensable activities on Beaumont Street and the provision of late night food has also been removed from the application. That means the kebab vans will stay on St. Giles (and will be allowed to trade as normal as they have their own licenses). I am told that alcohol sales from some stands will be licensed by Temporary Event Notice. These can only be objected to by the Police so I have asked Thames Valley Police to watch out for them and consider the effect they will have on a city that will already be full of drunk people on Friday and Saturday evening.
Regulated entertainment (live or recorded music, performance of dance and exhibition of films) hours have been cut back a little to:
Friday noon-10pm
Saturday 10am-10pm
Sunday 10am-7pm
The following conditions were imposed:
1. Notification of dates of future events to be at least 12 months in advance to all stakeholders and this will include all stakeholders fronting St. Giles.
2. There must be a stakeholder meeting six months in advance of each annual event.
3. During the event a 24 hour control room will operate to allow anyone with complaint or grievance to address them with an appropriate person.
4. A draft event plan will be submitted to the Safety Advisory Group at least 60 days before the event.
5. A noise management plan will be prepared and submitted to the licensing authority for approval.
6. No amplified live entertainment on Sunday between 10am and 12.15pm
And some informatives about keeping noise down while the event is being built on Thursday night and taken down on Sunday night.
I am unimpressed by this but I think it is probably realistically all that was going to be conceded at this stage. I just hope those that come to the festival stop and think about how they would fee about three days of their own road being closed and lots of noise outside their bedroom windows for three nights.
This blog post has no official status and I can't guarantee it's error free so please don't rely on it. Written notification of the decision is available from the Council.