I've also had notification from the County Council of a proposal to change Becket Street to two-way and to move some of its on-street parking to Osney Lane. The idea is to enable traffic going West-South from Botley Road to Abingdon Road to avoid Frideswide Square in advance of the major works planned to it in spring of 2015.
The plan is here and if you click it you'll get a bigger version.

The deadline for comments is quite short so please let me know what you think or if you have any questions asap and I'll also forward any comments left here on this post to the County Council in about a week.
Would this be temporary, during the construction only? It would certainly ease the intersection at the main corner -- where people are headed for the long term rail car park and have to go the long way round.
I wonder why Becket St was made one way in the first place. That valid reason may still exist.
As a west Oxford resident this forms an important part of my route into town with my 2 small children on bikes (we have to walk down the lower part of Botley Road). Currently, we come up Osney Lane and have to use the pedestrian crossing to get across the road onto the upper Osney Lane.
I'd like to request that bicycle access into (upper) Osney Lane is improved by a marked route across the pavement. It would also be good to be able to navigate the new roundabout on a bicycle and easily travel on up Osney Lane.
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