The reason for the by-election is that the Labour Councillor for the ward who was elected in 2012 decided to resign late last month, little more than two months after the last election and then two people from within Oxford (although neither in Carfax Ward) asked the City Council to hold an election almost immediately afterwards. I should be clear that we don't know why Anne-Marie resigned and I am not criticising her for resigning, I am criticising Oxford Labour for calling a by-election at such a ridiculous time for a student-heavy ward. A resignation does not in itself cause a by-election.
I had just left the UK for three week camping holiday in Spain and France just before Anne-Marie Canning's resignation. Despite that I am happy to say that I was able to complete the vital parts of the nomination while in Spain and then post them to Tim Bearder, my agent, in time for him to deliver them in person (as required in law) to Oxford City Council before today's nominations deadline.

This is the second by-election Labour have called since the main May local elections and another Oxford City Labour Councillor has resigned today. They seem to be carefully timing them so they can move the Labour machine from ward to ward, election by election - and causing more cost for taxpayers than if all three had been held on the same day. Again I don't think this is good or fair democracy. It also seems that they'll all be over just before Labour conference. How convenient, and self-serving!
So the questions I think for Labour are:
1. Why are you calling these by-elections one-by-one?
2. Do you think it is acceptable to make the City Council spend £4,000 of taxpayers money every time rather than having a batch of by-elections on one day or better, doing the above and resigning in a timely manner?
I think the people of Oxford need answers to these questions and I will certainly be seeking them over the coming weeks. In the meantime I look forward to getting down to some serious campaigning on the issues that matter to the people of Carfax ward.
1 comment:
[…] In Carfax ward (Oxford CC) Labour held on with 168 votes (44.2%; +15.6%). Tony Brett, the Liberal Democrat candidate who finished fourth in May’s local election, came a respectable second with 101 votes (26.6%) and increase of 9% since May. The Green Party slipped from first in May to third on Thursday with 16.6% (-14.2%). The Conservatives and UKIP both polled 24 votes (6.3%). Turnout in the ward was a record low of just 8.6%. The Oxford Labour Party have been slammed for calling a by-election in the student-heavy ward at a time when most students are out of the city. This is also the second by-election in the City since May’s local election and a third is due on 18 September; each costing £4000. Tony Brett has challenged the local Labour Party to justify their tactics. […]
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