This was a long but useful session. It was introduced by Tony Payne, Support Development and Licensing Team manager, and we were given lots of useful information about the structure of the licensing committees and subcommittees in the Council.

There are two main committees: The Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee deals with alcohol, entertainment and late food licensing as well as gambling establishments.

The General Purposes Licensing Committee deals with street trading; hackney carriage and private hire and sex establishment licensing (table dancing, pole dancing, lap dancing etc.). There are also several subcommittees.
Julian Allison is the licensing team leader and told us lots about how the 2003 act works and is based around the Council's
licensing policy that it is legally require to have and regularly review. We learned about
personal licences and
premises licences.
Finally, two of the City council's solicitors, Daniel Smith and Jeremy Franklin, explained to us how licensing hearings work. A very interesting and useful session. You may be interested to know that you can
check current licensing applications online.
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