This was an interesting piece of casework and a good opportunity to serve the people who elected me! My attention was drawn to the issue by an
article in the Cherwell student newspaper. So I contacted the Lincoln JCR president and we've had a very useful meeting. It appears the main problem is that the operators of the Turl Bar, which is part of the same block as lots of Lincoln College student accommodation, are making a lot of noise emptying containers of used bottles into recycling bins late at night and that loud music is becoming more and more of an issue.

As the venue (The Turl Bar) will close forever on 31st May this year there is probably no merit in taking formal action. I hope the licensing team will, with a conciliatory approach, be able to persuade Whitbread's staff running the Turl Bar to be a bit more considerate. I hope the staff will remember that many students have their living and studying space in extremely close proximity to the bar and that May is an extremely important month for study and revision, particularly for those facing finals exams. Finals directly dictate their degree result and to a large extend the path and/or success of the rest of their lives. I am impressed at the amount of records and personal impact statements the students of Lincoln College have been able to provide. I hope this will underline the seriousness of the problem with Whitbread and their staff.
Although this is short-term problem on council time-scales it represents a huge risk to the success of Lincoln students if a solution is not found. The month of May represents more than half of some students' final term of study and continuous noise and sleep disruption is quite intolerable.
Many thanks for all your help with this, Tony - it is much appreciated!
As one of the affected students, can I just express my thanks for you taking up the issue!
As one of the affected students, I'd just like to express my appreciation for you taking up this issue!
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