The changes are essentially:
- Abolish monthly formal Area Committees, and their revenue budgets, and replace them with quarterly informal, largely powerless, Area Forums.
- Remove powers to make planning decisions from the local level and set up two large planning committees that won't really have any neighbourhood link or context understanding. There will be a "west" and and "east" committee. Bizarrely the west committee will include east Oxford! The committees will be politically balanced meaning each will have 4 Labour members, 3 LibDems and 1 Green. I think this is shocking as it means the administration effectively takes over control of all planning decisions. In the current scheme North area has a LibDem majority and East has a Green majority.
- Remove planning decisions call-in to full council and replace this with a "planning appeals committee". This will also be politically balanced, so Labour-controlled.
- Drastically cut the number of Executive Board meetings and let executive councillors make most decisions that were previously Executive Board decisions on their own with no requirement for a public meeting.
- Give each councillor a paltry £1500 to spend as they wish on their ward.
You can read about this in detail and I urge you to fill in the consultation as I think this is an extremely important matter of local democracy and accountability. You need to register first to do the survey but please do - this is really important! It's clear Labour doesn't want to hear much from you as the boxes only allow 500 characters and that includes spaces! You can see my response on my website.
My main concern is how the changes will effectively render the councillors of the North Area Committee (entirely LibDem) and those of the East Area Parliament (almost all Green) pretty much voice-less and powerless. My own area, Central South and West will no longer see political balance of 4 Labour 4 LibDem but instead all its planning decisions will be made by committees with a Labour majority. I have rarely seen such megalomania in a political party as Oxford Labour!
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