The application was from Sainsbury's as they are opening a new convenience store in Summertown in March. They were applying for a license to sell alcohol on an off-sales basis only from 7am-11pm 7 days per week in line with the opening hours of the store itself. It should be noted that we were simply deciding on the alcohol licence - all the other necessary permissions for the store to operate were already in place.
The objections centred around the risk that children might buy alcohol and the possible need for a security guard. I put these to the applicants and got a very detailed description of Sainsbury's ways of working, including their think 25 policy, and how in Leeds they have a similar store where problems have been avoided by close working with the Police and the local Community. Sainsbury's probably would employ a security guard at "sensitive" times but did not want to accept this as a condition. I must say I was a bit perturbed that the objectors seemed rather to be objecting to a Sainsbury's store rather than the sale of alcohol and indeed that's what their petition said.
After the applicants and objectors had summed up they were dismissed while we made our decision. We took the view that Sainsbury's had addressed all the concerns so granted the hours as applied for but with a condition that a prominent sign reminding customers that Summertown was an alcohol-free zone must be displayed by all exits. We also asked for contact details of the manager to be displayed for residents to use in case of problems and reminded Sainsbury's that if there were problems it was open to the responsible authorities and the interested parties to call a licence review in the future.
I felt it was useful for Sainsbury's to be able to hear to concerns of residents and I hope the hearing will be the start of an ongoing dialogue that will enable Sainsbury's and the residents of Summertown to co-exist in common understanding and peace!
Please note this post does not form an official record of proceedings and should not be treated as such. The decision notice from the City Council is the definitive document.
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