It was a pleasure to attend the Civic Service in Abingdon on Thames today to welcome and bless Abingdon's new Mayor, Councillor Sam Bowring, a good personal friend and a fellow Lib Dem! The service was at Abingdon Baptist Church and was conducted by David Fleming, the minister of that church. There were a lot of chains in attendance, including the ones worn by the Lord Mayor of Kensington and Chelsea and several neighbouring mayors. We had a short procession into the church and I was pleased to walk with Nicola Blackwood MP, the MP for Oxford West and Abingdon and it was nice that she was supportive of me over the recent attacks I've been suffering from the far left.

The service was positive and inclusive and included a short dialogue between David Fleming and Sam Bowring about her hopes for her year as Lord Mayor of Abingdon. It was good to hear her asking for prayers that her and her fellow councillors would serve their town to the best of their abilities and with the interests of those they represent always at the top of the agenda. There was a good sermon about civic service and how Christians are called to serve which I found helpful. We sang lots of music I'd not heard before, with a rather good band accompanying us. The service was rounded off with a blessing song from the junior church children complete with actions.
Abingdon does not have a "Lord Mayor" you moron, just a normal 'Mayor'
Dear Julie,
I don't believe making a small slip on a title makes me a moron. If you call everyone a moron who makes a small mistake I fear you won't get very far in life. Please be nice.
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