We heard from a member of hospital staff about some the equipment and facilities that have been able be be bought due to the support of the LOF and I was amazed to hear that in the last four years he has been able to spend a total of just over £362,000 from grants given by the LOF. That's seriously impressive and has enabled new facilities and some therapies not available on the NHS to be funded.
LOF is a steady pillar in the ever changing world of hospitals and healthcare and I know its presence and its services are things that that many patients, relatives and visitors find to be a great comfort. A LOF volunteer is so much nicer than a vending machine! I remember myself working on a LOF stall when I was a teenager, with my mother. We were even allowed to sell cigarettes in those days!
The event was finished off with a fascinating presentation and speech about the Berks/Oxon/Bucks air ambulance. Did you know that it has been operating since 1999. Did you know that the helicopter can travel at 150mph and that each call out costs around £2,500 with an average of 3 call-outs per day. That's an awful lot of money to raise!
League of Friends is always looking for more volunteers and although many are retired there are also younger people involved and there are no age limits . The Oxford University Hospitals Trust has a web page about Oxford LOF groups where there is detail about YOU can volunteer. How about it? It was good to hear the the Oxford Mail has already helped with the drive for more volunteers too. It's great when the local press gets behind local volunteering initiatives that help so many people both directly and indirectly.
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