I spent a couple of hours this morning walking around Carfax Ward with officers from Street Scene, Housing, and Highways. The map to the right shows the rough route we took. You can click it to see a bigger verion.
We encountered quite a few issues and I will certainly be following them up in the coming days and weeks. To list a few:
Lots of graffiti in the Southern part of the ward, near Rose Place. I will get this reported and hopefully removed if building owners can be found so they can give permission

Neglected communal garden at Albert House - I've written to residents about this and housing officers have said they will see if they can get
community payback to do some work there. As the landlord, the City Council should have been maintaining it.

Lots of Cigarette Butts on the pavement outside the
Castle Pub. This was dealt with very quickly but I will ask the owners/managers if they can fit some ashtrays to the railings outside the pub.

Flytipping on Woodin's Way near the old Lion Brewery. I'll get this reported so it is quickly removed.

Unsightly gatherings of commercial waste bins around Gloucester Green. Officers said they would look at installing some fencing to contain these bins so they don't look quite as awful.

Graffiti on the railings around Wellington Square - I'll get this reported so it can be removed and see if some money can be found to repaint the railings as they are looking rather tatty.

Very dangerous road surface on Banbury Road by St Gile's church. This is just outside the ward boundary but I wanted to mention it because I work so close to there and see it causing cyclists to wobble into the path of (often quite fast) traffic coming north from St. Giles. I'm disappointed with this one that I have previously been told by highways officers that it requires no work. There seemed no harm in asking again.
The morning's walkabout was useful as a ward walk and I am grateful to officers for the time they gave to do this. I hope all the issues I will follow up on are dealt with effectively and I will certainly be keeping an eye out!
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